There’s been speculation for years about George Lucas shooting a secret cameo in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, but that’s ...
Star Wars nerds – like myself – will instantly recognize that the camera is modeled after the electrobinoculars that the battle droid commander, OOM-9, is seen using at the beginning of the climactic ...
His name is Jett Lucas, adopted son of George, and seasoned Star Wars apologists ... like Anakin, this conflict still has some growing up to do. The menace is still phantom. An inexcusably lazy ...
There's been speculation for years about George Lucas having a secret cameo role in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and it's finally been unearthed. See the blink-and-you'll-miss-it Easter Egg ...
The rumors about George Lucas' mystery cameo in The Phantom Menace have finally been confirmed 26 years after the film's release.
This arguably began as early as Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace with ... so much worse by assigning Anakin to be the Jedi who accompanied Padmé to Naboo when her life was in danger.
The Phantom Menace is the Star Wars movie that just keeps giving. Over 25 years after the blockbuster brought a galaxy far, ...