The Grand Egyptian Museum is filled with archaeological treasures, here's our pick of some of the best historical marvels.
The final stop is Aswan where we visit the famous dam, which is Egypt’s modern marvel of engineering, as well as a Nubian ...
Secret Monumental Burial Complex Older Than Egyptian Pyramids Found In Africa, Leave Archeologists Stunned Nestled in the ...
His portrayals of ancient sites in Egypt — and Jerusalem, Baalbek, Petra and Arabia — were bound into volumes of lithographs ...
A powerful storm revealed odd formations on the seabed off the coast of this African country, unveiling an entirely forgotten ...
This new stress-free, week-long cruise takes in many of Egypt's epic treasures and starts from around £1,500, with flights ...
In ancient Egyptian culture, amulets such as these were imbued with specific meanings relating to their form and believed to ...
Former President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida’s autobiography triggered questions about the onomastic etymology of “Badamasi,” ...
Now, snorkelers can swim among its remarkably preserved ruins, where statues, temples, and everyday objects whisper tales of ...
Public ceremonies, lavish processions, and temporary wooden arches were commonplace after victory in Ancient Rome. But during ...
This week's Free Will Astrology ponders ancient Japanese concepts and explores the history of Egyptian blue.
A unique opportunity to test ancient Egyptian perfumes is underway in an exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir ...