In the early 1970s, I hunted archery deer at Camp Atterbury with my Uncle Art Smith. We split up but had a meeting place.
We partnered with Iron Will Outfitters to benchmark industry leading arrow vanes and to design an improved vane that maximizes stability, yet minimizes drag and sound, while using a broadhead tip.
Ripcord Arrow Rests has unveiled the latest iteration of its RAK Rest, featuring micro-adjust capabilities. Designed to ...
But Mount Rushmore has four faces, and in the archery world it can ... confident when releasing the arrow,” Lee said. Using only a recurve bow he has hunting throughout the United States and ...
The orange dot is where rifle hunters should place a bullet, the red dot is where archery hunters should place their arrow. As you can see, the areas overlap. John Hafner Knowing where to shoot a deer ...
When Ron Roettger fired an arrow at a black bear ... Though Roettger has won traditional archery tournaments by hitting targets at 65 yards, he never takes a hunting shot longer than 17 yards.
Like a boomerang more than an arrow, the crossbow controversy ... the first year they were allowed for unrestricted deer hunting, sales of resident archery deer hunting licenses rose nearly ...
When the buck hit the 30-yard mark, Payton sent an arrow behind the buck ... 9 months before Minnesota’s 2023 archery opener. LeRoy Purrier Buying a new hunting property is an exciting process ...
THE quiver is an indispensable accessory for any archer, serving as a portable arrow container. Its origins date back to the ...
Bow hunting is allowed for urban archery and regular archery seasons ... The purpose of requiring an elevated stand is to ensure that the arrow or bullet will impact the ground and not travel ...
The team with the highest score wins the match. If it is still tied, the arrow closest to the center shall determine the winner. How many archery events are there at the Olympics? There are five ...