Q: I get a cramp in my left calf when I run for more than 20 minutes ... you are experiencing when you exert yourself may signal a condition called peripheral artery disease. Also known as PAD, it ...
Even as the pain shot down her arm and into her hand ... More tests showed that her left circumflex artery "had a 99% blockage." A piece of plaque that had built up in the artery had detached ...
Pain may spread to your neck and left arm. It’s important to understand that not every patient has the same symptoms of CAD. Women may be more likely to experience other symptoms, such as abdominal ...
Pain in your arms is a common symptom with many different causes, from arthritis and overuse injuries like tendonitis to a heart attack.
Blocked heart arteries are a major cause of heart problems globally. Early signs include chest pain, shortness of breath, ...
A YOUNG and healthy dad nearly died after suffering a stroke when an artery ruptured in his neck – caused by a sneeze. Ian Applegate was sitting in his car with his wife Jennifer and their ...
Despite an initial unnoticed migration, a chest x-ray and CT scan reveal the implant embedded in a subsegmental artery.