Trained on the spectacular Flame Nebula, the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes went hunting for the smallest stars in ...
Powerful jets and radiation winds from two protostars are slamming into the nebulosity around them, sculpting the nebula.
Astronomers rely on clear observations to study celestial objects, but cosmic dust alters what we see, making stars appear ...
Some of the most massive and influential stars in the universe are OB stars. These blue giants, many times more massive than ...
A decade-long cosmic mystery has finally been solved: astronomers have traced strange, repeating radio pulses to an unusual ...
"Starburst galaxies birth lots of hot blue stars that burn fast and die quickly in explosions that unleash intense ...
In today's fast paced world it is all too easy to be dismissive of pre-modern attempts at learning. The Maragha Observatory ...