Based on experience, there is generally room for everyone who applies for admission to the course within the deadline. It is compulsory to be present at the first lecture. Please contact the course ...
Hosted by the Department of Physics, the Kaczmarczik Lecture consistently draws outstanding scientists who advance the forefront of physics research. Physicist Stephon Alexander explores the ...
and her life as a scholar of literature and culture to meditate on how relationships between self, place, race, and storytelling contend with both the afterlives of history and racial capitalism.
The night sky offers us a variety of spectacles throughout the year, but for the remainder of the month, we have front-row seats to see—not one or two—but seven planets at once.
Astronomy and astrophysics are the study of objects and phenomena that are found beyond our solar system. This combines theoretical simulations and observation with both terrestrial and space ...
Launched in 2014 by then— Purdue President Mitch Daniels and continued in 2023 by President Mung Chiang, the Presidential Lecture Series exposes Purdue students and the broader community to inspiring ...
Nuclear astrophysics is the study of nuclear-level processes that occur naturally in space. Notably, this includes understanding the chain of fusion events, or nucleosynthesis, that occurs in ...
Teaching extends over one semester. There are 4 hours of lectures per week and 2 hours of group sessions/tutorial exercises each week. It is compulsory to attend the first lecture. If you cannot ...
The event is in-person, with both the lecture and Q&A panel also live-streamed on YouTube. Stargazing Lectures are free, public-level talks followed by a Q&A panel and guided stargazing with ...
Leaders in exercise and rehabilitation medicine from across the nation present their research at noon on the second Monday of the months January to May and September to December. Pre- and ...
The Department of Physics and Astrophysics’ Astronomy Public Talks proceeded with presenter Robert Moore’s, the Department’s general physical lab supervisor, lecture about different types of variable ...
The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune will ... This will be part of the special “Chandra Public Lecture” series by IUCAA. The talk is organised in ...