Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz has been named a recipient of the Research Corporation for Science Advancement’s (RCSA) Robert Holland Jr ...
Deli Boys’ follows Pakistani American brothers Raj and Mir Dar, who inherit a chain of Philadelphia delis after their ...
Looking for a summer camp for theater, visual arts, music, dance, or maybe even culinary arts? This page has your Louisville summer camp option for arts! Wow! Louisville is full of arts camps. Explore ...
Deciding where to study an arts or humanities degree is not easy, with hundreds of options all over the world. But 750 of the top universities for arts and humanities have been ranked in the Times ...
You thought Saturn's 146 moons were impressive? Think again. The ringed planet's moon count has nearly doubled with the ...
A free talk titled “From New Stars to the Edge of the Universe: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Cosmic Origins,” provided by astronomer Rachel Smith, will take place ...
On Thursday, the ACLU, representing theater groups in New England and New York, filed a lawsuit against the National Endowment for the Arts, challenging its edict that grant applicants comply with ...
Canadian and other researchers have confirmed Saturn as the solar system’s undisputed “moon king,” after discovering 128 more ...
Communication involves reporting, editing, and content creation. India's media market is expected to grow 8% by 2027, creating new roles ...
It is the first incentive of its kind here to target the arts and heritage sector. Qualifying programmes for the $100 worth of credits, given to all Singaporeans aged 18 and above, must have ...