Out in the bush consisting of small-sized Mallee eucalypt shrubs, shade is a rarity. Meanwhile, the pale tufts of spinifex ...
The company employs truck drivers, civil construction workers, roller, loader, grader and excavator operators, traffic ...
Here in Europe, we knew Donald Trump would side with the biggest threat to democracy on our continent In 1963, an Australian ...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people believe they have lived on the Australian continent and managed its lands and ...
The decision of the High Court this week that found native title is ‘property’, is bold. It potentially opens the door to ...
Most of what we know about the people involved in the Australian Frontier Wars, and the massacres that unfolded, comes from ...
Senator Thorpe called on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to “put the flag in’’ to assert sovereignty over Australian land. “We have to take it into our own hands … put the flag in ...
The Temiar tribe, one of the ethnic aboriginal tribes in the Muslim-state, is hoping the court will declare the land to be legally theirs which will thus give them the right to build the church ...
The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation ... of a casino and hotel within 4 miles of the CTUIR’s aboriginal lands and within the aboriginal lands of the Yakama Indian Nation ...