Alternatively, you can use the --compare-hash flag to transfer only files which differ in their MD5 hash. The supported directions and forms of authorization are: Local <-> Azure Blob / Azure File ...
This project demonstrates how to upload large files to Azure Blob Storage using **chunking * *and * *parallelism * * in C# .NET Core 8.
Back with iOS 16, Apple introduced a new architecture for the Home app aimed at improving the experience of using HomeKit devices. Since then, upgrading to the new architecture has been optional ...
US president Donald Trump's move to promote classical architecture over modernism is aimed at suppressing optimism for the future, writes Steven Holl. What did Stalin do in 1933, Hitler do in 1937 ...
The Trump White House is ready to divvy up public lands for private profits. By Lucas Ropek Tesla’s Self-Driving Fails the Wile E. Coyote Test Isaiah Colbert Isaac Schultz Isaiah Colbert ...
Brazil's largest design festival DW! Sao Paulo Design Week celebrates its 14th edition with 115 participating design, architecture and interiors brands. Located at Brussels' Vanderborght Building ...