Bacteriophages, the most abundant life form on Earth, infect bacterial cells and influence the structure of the microbial ...
A new on-site DNA sequencing method that can deliver bacterial infection diagnoses in 2 days could be rolled out nationwide ...
In the pursuit of understanding the pathogenic expression mechanisms of bacteria and the advancements in biofoundry ...
Researchers have uncovered mechanisms by which mobile genetic elements integrate into the chromosomes of bacteria with linear genomes.
The giraffe’s gut microbiome is made up of a variety of bacteria and fungi, and is largely determined by the giraffe’s ...
DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another – are key to bacterial evolution and the development of ...
Antibiotic resistance is a global concern that threatens our ability to prevent and treat bacterial infections in humans and animals. To better monitor the emergence and spread of resistance, ...
Transposons, or 'jumping genes' -- DNA segments that can move from one part of the genome to another -- are key to bacterial evolution and the development of antibiotic resistance. Researchers ...
Researchers from the Skoltech Laboratory for Metagenome Analysis, which is led by Assistant Professor Artem Isaev, and their colleagues from the United Kingdom have studied the BREX methyltransferase ...
Antibiotic resistance is a global concern that threatens our ability to prevent and treat bacterial infections in humans and ...
A new collaboration between the MHRA and Barts Health NHS Trust has led to introduction a new DNA sequencing technology ...
Abstract Genome-wide identification of binding profiles for DNA-binding proteins from the limited number of intracellular pathogens in infection ...