Greenlanders voted to rebuff President Trump’s bid to control their icebound, mineral-rich island and to restore calm after a ...
Voters in County's District 1 now can return their mail ballots to any official ballot drop box in the district for the April ...
The number of people registered to vote this summer is about 3,500 lower than at the same point ahead of the previous general ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused President Donald Trump of using tariffs in an attempt to “collapse” the ...
Political hacks and pollsters alike are gearing up for Saturday’s State election. And while they’ve got the voting know-how ...
More than 72,000 mail-in ballots for Tucson's Prop. 414 election had been returned by Saturday, officials say. There's still ...
Newberry residents will head to the ballot box in April and decide whether they want their small town to continue growing at ...
Florida’s ballot initiative process has a higher threshold than many states that allow residents to amend their constitutions ...
In a tight budget year, Washington lawmakers didn't move forward on legislation involving initiatives, school lunch and more.