Public Library might be able to help make sense of it. Their “Level Up” sessions provide basic computer skills. Core technology librarian Meg Porteous visited Eye on NE Kansas to share information ...
What is the basic computational unit of the brain? The neuron? The cortical column? The gene? Although to a neuroscientist this question might seem poorly formulated, to a computer scientist it is ...
We would, however, encourage prospective students to try a basic online course in programming (in any language) before applying so that they can confirm they have both the appetite and aptitude for ...
STEM backgrounds. Here's how schools are changing to help educate people.
Connected Nation is returning to Troup County to offer another series of free technology classes.  Connected Nation is a ...
Here are five basic components of online courses students should be familiar with before signing up for classes ... also build online quizzes and other computer-graded activities, which can ...