近日,索尼公司公布了 2025 年 2 月 PSVR2 游戏下载量排行榜。在这份榜单中,美服榜首依旧被《Beat Saber》占据,而欧服首位则被去年的佳作《地铁: 觉醒》夺得。同时,1 月的新作《Arken Age》跌出前十。自 PSVR2 ...
在这份榜单中,热门节奏游戏《Beat Saber》再次展现了其强大的影响力,成功蝉联美服和欧服的头名位置。 自 PSVR2 推出以来,《Beat Saber》凭借其独特 ...
近日,Wooster Games 开发的多人恐怖生存游戏《Animal Company》在 Quest 平台大放异彩,成功超越热门 VR 游戏《Gorilla Tag》和《Beat ...
Kendrick Lamar's iconic diss track has arrived as the latest DLC song for Beat Saber.
Less of a rap feud and more of a massacre, Kendrick Lamar's latest, five-time Grammy-winning anti-Drake anthem "Not Like Us", which you might have caught him performing live at 2025's Super Bowl LIX, ...
Eat your heart out, Beat Saber. It's the best $15 you'll probably ever spend on the Quest store. Progression is pretty standard rhythm game fare, but you can always free-play if you don't want to ...