Mo, the therapy dog, has been welcomed into St Michael's Primary School to help support the children's emotional well-being.
Online ‘bubbles of hate’ are weaponising the insecurities of frustrated young males to create violent misogynists with extremist potential ...
Mo, an 8-month-old Labrador who is our very own therapy dog. Mo is currently working towards his PAW therapy dog ...
A MOTHER’S instinct is a powerful thing, and observing occupational therapist Lucy Fitzwilliams interact with her ...
The other thing I find truly mind-boggling is that an entire male dog can smell a bitch in season up to three miles away! And ...
Damien, who contemplated suicide due to his experiences, says he believes NHS services think autistic people can't engage ...
World Sleep Day highlights the importance of sleep. This post explores normal sleep, common issues in neurodiverse children, ...
Garden River First Nation woman wonders how seven-year-old son will receive care for autism symptoms after funding stops ...