Jesus told a parable about a farmer sowing seed (Matthew 13:3–9)). Some seed falls on rocky places, some among thorns and some on fertile ground. This chapter, which reviews events from Paul’s second ...
A new study from the American Cancer Society is seeking to better understand cancer and other health conditions among Black women.It’s the largest cohort study of cancer risk and outcomes among ...
A study published by the journal Chemosphere originally stated that a toxic chemical found in black plastic almost exceeded the safe exposure limit when in fact it was 10 times lower than the limit.
In a cross-sectional study, researcher Adenique Lisse '28 Ph.D. examined how 193 Black, white, and Latina girls entering grades 9 through 11 felt about their overall appearance and their ...
The tax advantage to the middle class was small. Advantages for Black Americans were smaller still. As a scholar of race and U.S. income taxation, I have analyzed the impact of Trump’s tax cuts. I ...