THE MOSAIC CHURCH is a documentary streaming on Angel Studios. In the region of Megiddo, Israel, a team of archaeologists ...
The IJ is reprinting some of the late Beth Ashley’s columns. This is from 2007. When my niece’s husband died in a car ...
Today's Christian nationalists have shaped their theology in ways that harken to apocalyptic prophets of the1530s.
Most secularists believe that these religious apocalyptic visions of the future are absurd, although many secularists themselves fervently believe that artificial intelligence, run away genetic ...
Seen by many as a renowned theologian, pastor, and academic professor of over 30 years, author and Professor Ben Nworie, PhD., MDiv., MA. (Th), presents his newest publication, "Genuinely Converted: ...
The gospel lectionary reading for Lent 2 in this Year C is Luke 13.31–35, and once again the lectionary does us something of ...
When applied to the Bible it doesn’t take long to see that his “has God said?” (Gen. 3:1) thinking, now at work in the Church ...
James was a colorful character among the Twelve Disciples. He had a temperamental character and, at times, overreacted in ...
The author, a lifelong Catholic, expresses concern over the alignment of the Catholic Right with President Trump's policies.
I write a quarterly column for Preach magazine, in which I explore a significant word, phrase, or idea in the Bible, or a ...
According to the security decision, over a hundred Druze sheikhs will be able to arrive in Israel from Syria and will be ...
While the book is a work of fiction, Sendowski ensures that it remains faithful to the historical and textual integrity of ...