McDONALD — Village officials are pursuing funds through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Recreational Trails Program to restore the historic Billy Goat Hill Trail in Woodland Park.
Source: Debbie Peterson Remember when trolls were cute little dolls with orange hair, or the billy goat gruff antagonist? In the Scandinavian fairy tale "The Three Billy Goats Gruff,” three ...
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Rumour had it they were being caused by a rather large goat, inevitably nicknamed Gruff, who lorded it over an acre of densely brambled scrubland in the middle of which was a thick pole carrying ...
And, in fact, some of the earliest versions of the Shiner Bock label did feature a goat. A label from the fifties and sixties depicts a red silhouette of Texas with a bearded billy goat in the corner.
My 3 year old loves this book and looks for it every visit to the library. I think the mix of fear and excitement keeps him coming back for more. The story opens up a lot of talking points too! The ...
When dropping your dog off at the groomer, you never know what the finished look will be. Sometimes the fresh, new do reveals their adorable puppy-like features, while others take a different turn.