If you like Bing.com’s background images and download Bing wallpapers every day to adorn your desktop, then you will definitely like this free software. You can automatically set Bing wallpapers ...
Microsoft says you'll get higher priority in the waitlist if you sign in with your Microsoft account, set Microsoft defaults on your PC, and download the Bing app. According to an FAQ, you'll get ...
It is also a Chromium-based web browser ... Now, on the left side, Bing will open, and the Internet Speed Test will start automatically. The slow download speeds on Edge can be fixed easily ...
MSEdgeRedirect is available for download ... still show Bing results. Plus, you either have to press Enter after typing your query or click the 'Open results in browser' button to see the Google ...
Interestingly, when one clicks on the "Learn more" option beside the update (image above), the Bing page on the default browser opens up instead of release notes webpage that generally opens.