What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says on "Purgatory:" 1031. "The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment ...
1 Peter 1:7 Another commonly misunderstood teaching of the Church concerns Purgatory. Purgatory is not a second-chance for damned souls to repent. Instead it is a state of cleansing and ...
A former bishop has been jailed for more than four years for historical child abuse. Anthony Pierce, the former bishop of Swansea and Brecon, was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court after pleading ...
A judge said ex-bishop Anthony Pierce behaved "in such a hypocritical way and in breach of the trust invested in you by the community" A former bishop has been jailed for sexually abusing a boy ...
Tesla doesn’t deserve to be in the Magnificent Seven—and that means investors need a different strategy to trade the ever-controversial electric-vehicle maker.
Uber Technologies’ stock is at a crossroads. Investors should take it.
Laura Barrón-López is the White House Correspondent for the PBS News Hour, where she covers the Biden administration and the incoming Trump administration for the nightly news broadcast. She is ...
Seth Barron is managing editor of The American Mind, a publication of The Claremont Institute. He writes primarily about New York City politics and culture. Barron has a B.A. in English literature ...
The Barron River has a catchment area of about 1980 square kilometres above Kamerunga at the mouth of the delta and has its headwaters in the area immediately east of Atherton on the elevated ...
Barron Trump, the youngest son of President Donald Trump, quickly grabs public attention whenever he appears at any event because of his handsome appearance and stylish looks. Many people online were ...