Doomscrolling scenarios like a Trump third term won’t happen. But what if this administration defies court orders?
All indications are that Monarch numbers were much lower still in 2013. As this fact sheet explains, one cause of this drastic population decline is that Monarch breeding habitat is being destroyed by ...
A video showing firefighters rescuing animals, ranging from wolf pups ... For this, we used Google Fact-Check Explorer's limited access 'Image Contexts' feature, which shows an ordered list ...
“I’m relieved other nations will finally be pressured to prevent whales and dolphins from getting caught in fishing nets. Entanglement is a huge threat to these animals’ survival,” said Sarah Uhlemann ...
5 Critically Endangered Animals!!! EP. 63 : 5 Weird Animal Facts: AnimalBytesTV Jason Miller from 5 Weird Animal Facts explains the top 5 critically endangered animals in the world. Check out some ...