The chart below is a representative sample of Competitive Electricity Providers (CEPs) supplying electricity in Maine. Customers who make no choice will continue to receive Standard Offer service, as ...
“It’s death by a thousand cuts.” - Carolyn Thompson in Buffalo, N.Y. Commercial lobsterman John Drouin has fished for Maine’s signature seafood for more than 45 years, often in disputed ...
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By Katie Benner After Janet Mills, the Democratic governor of Maine, challenged President Trump during a White House meeting, she became both a folk hero to her party and a political target whose ...
WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — Federal officials announced plans to investigate the Maine Department of Education and Maine School Administrative District 51 over alleged Title IX violations after state ...
Washington D.C.-- Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today regarding the President's threat to withhold Federal education funding from Maine: "If the President attempts to ...