I know of nothing else in hunting that compares to having an 800-pound (363-kg) bull come running to your call, wild-eyed and heaving, thrashing brush with his remarkable antlers, calling you out to ...
The wind was wrong and the bull busted us. Carlton sat back down and said simply ... As he was yelping to spring gobblers a little band of elk ran to his call, and the idea struck Carlton that rutting ...
That's a lesson a man almost learned the hard way at Banff National Park when he almost sat on a bull elk as he posed for ...
A bull elk rests on the grass near a home Sunday on West 18th Street and Empire Avenue in west Loveland. (Jenny Sparks/Loveland Reporter-Herald) “They’re wild animals, you never know what they ...
WALLACE, Idaho — Idaho Fish and Game is asking for the public’s help in gathering information about two incidents in which a bull elk and a white-tailed deer were illegally shot and killed.