近日,国产大飞机C919首次以商业航班的形式降落在温州,这一历史性时刻引发了广泛关注。2月20日起,某航空公司的C919机型开始执飞北京至温州的航班,航班号为CA1567/8。当天上午11时44分,CA1567航班顺利抵达温州龙湾国际机场,注册号为B-919Y。为了迎接这一重要时刻,机场特别安排了象征最高礼遇的‘水门礼’仪式。温州成为浙江省继杭州之后新增的第二个C919航点,同时也是全国唯一一个开 ...
拥有国产大飞机是几代中国人的梦想。C919从2007年正式立项,到2017年首飞成功,十年磨一剑,攻克100多项核心关键技术。东航作为接收全球首架国产 ...
温州作为浙江省的第二个c919航点,不仅展现了浙江省对国产大飞机的支持与信任,也让温州成为了全国首个开通c919航线的地级市。这一成就不仅 ...
China’s first home-grown narrowbody aircraft, the C919, has taken another step towards proving its reliability, after handling a surge in flights during the Lunar New Year travel rush.
Comac’s C919, China’s first homegrown narrow-body jet and challenger to Boeing and Airbus, made its public debut at the country’s biggest aerospace and defense exhibition on Tuesday.
Comac’s C919 is a wild card in the competition for airliner market share in China. Credit: Markus Mainka/Alamy Stock Photo After a five-year hiatus, China’s jetliner market is surging again.