is often a phrase used in a rhyming scheme to say goodbye to someone in a fun way, but for an alligator in South Carolina, and many across the Deep South, they won’t be leaving their ponds anytime ...
A rare sight was spotted on Cat Island in South Carolina on Wednesday. An alligator was discovered lounging in a frozen pond.
Video from Cat Island, South Carolina, just outside of Hilton Head, showed an alligator stuck in an icy pond after the South’s recent deep freeze, which brought a rare bout of ice and snow.
The trapped alligator won't be leaving its home on Cat Island, South Carolina, around 70 miles south of Charleston, anytime soon. A shocking video showed how the predator was truly stopped in its ...
Video from Cat Island, South Carolina, just outside of Hilton Head, showed an alligator stuck in an icy pond after the South's recent deep freeze, which brought a rare bout of ice and snow.
The predator was stopped in its tracks as it attempted to swim across a river in Cat Island, South Carolina, with its head - still visible above the frozen surface - sitting completely still.
A part of the organization’s mission is to control the feral cat population on the island and provide a healthier lifestyle to cats on the island. The organization also tests for diseases like ...