Meanwhile, a reddish liquid spills out. That's all the waste the butterfly, née caterpillar, produced during its stay. Once its wings expand and harden, it's ready to mate, pollinate, and slurp ...
Photographer and National Geographic Explorer Rena Effendi learned that a little-known species was named after her late ...
Caterpillars grow, feed and then transform from a chrysalis to a beautiful colourful butterfly before our very eyes. This clip is from the series Wonders of Nature. This clip could be used in the ...
Broad says, 'Butterfly enthusiasts are often disappointed when a caterpillar becomes a pupa but a wasp chews its way out. 'For some of us, though, this is the starting point of an exploration of the ...
Monarch butterflies only flap their wings around 5 to 12 times per second — much more slowly than the average butterfly, who flaps about 20 times a second ... In just the 9 to 14 days of the larval ...