The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the pathogen, thus marking it as an intruder and triggering an immune response.
Sample exam questions - cell biology - AQA Understanding how to approach exam questions helps to boost exam performance. Question types will include multiple choice, structured, mathematical and ...
Cell biologists must decide whether to embrace the maturing field of systems biology. We argue that a fusion of the two is urgently needed to strengthen both fields. As researchers working in both ...
Nature Cell Biology publishes peer-reviewed original research of the highest quality in all areas of cell biology with an emphasis on studies that provide insights into the molecular mechanisms ...
Projects like building boats give kids an extended time away from their cell phones to actually do something with their hands ...
Cell biology covers all aspects of the structure and function of eukaryotic cells. Students in this field study the integration at the cellular level of biochemical, molecular, genetic ...
director of the Stem Cell Biology Laboratory at King's College in London, speaking to me in his cramped and cluttered office. "I think the United States is in real danger of being left behind." ...