The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, about 100,000 light-years across, containing roughly 200 billion stars, and our solar system is located about 26,000 light-years from its center. It takes ...
A strange energy source at the center of the Milky Way may be a new type of dark matter. Scientists found that hydrogen gas ...
A mysterious phenomenon at the center of our galaxy could be the result of a different type of dark matter. Dark matter, the ...
Astronomers say they have traced a mysterious pulsing in the Milky Way to a surprising source: a dead star locked in a dance ...
Dark matter continues to confound us, so far defying every attempt to decipher it. According to a new study, clues may lurk ...
Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the closest supermassive black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy. This ...
The Milky Way is one of the biggest in the observable universe: Even if you traveled at the speed of light, it would take 100,000 years to go from one end of our home galaxy to the other.
We know that Sagittarius A* (Sag A*), the black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, is supermassive and rotates rapidly, dragging space-time along with it. And this small detail—its rotational ...
Scientists suspect lightweight dark matter might ionize hydrogen in the Milky Way’s core. This could also explain the 511-keV ...
“At the center of our galaxy sit huge clouds of positively charged hydrogen ... The very forces that shape the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy may also hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the ...
Now, researchers have discovered a strange energy source at the center of our galaxy that could be linked to a different type ...
Hubble’s latest image reveals the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a nearby dwarf galaxy visible from Earth without a telescope.