The compression of the spinal cord can block nerve signals from the spinal nerve roots emerging from different parts of the spine. This can lead to the loss of sensation or function of the part of the ...
For individuals with SCI between C5 and C7 cervical levels ... Depending on where the spinal cord and nerve roots are damaged, the symptoms can vary widely, from pain to paralysis to incontinence.
Spinal cord compression (SCC) occurs in 5% to 30% of the oncology population and affects patient function, comfort, and general quality of life. Patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate ...
Thickened fibrous rings and yellow ligaments, as well as protruding discs which cause soft tissue compression, lead to a decrease in the volume of the spinal canal, compressing the spinal cord and ...
Right: a bent nerve and the uniform current in the uniform electric field also results in a transmembrane current. Figure 2 Schematic representation of the calculation of central motor conduction time ...
3 While the split-hand phenomenon is more commonly observed in spinal-onset ALS, it is also observed in bulbar onset ALS as well ... ADM/APB ratio <0.86, sensitivity 80.4%; specificity 86.3%. Observed ...
A herniated disc occurs when the inner jelly-like substance of an intervertebral disc breaks through its tougher outer ring. This disc material pushes out of the spinal column and can compress nearby ...
People born with problems of the spinal cord, such as spina bifida, are also at risk for neurogenic bladder. Several muscles and nerves must work together for your bladder to hold urine until you are ...