Scientists at Yokohama National University, in collaboration with RIKEN and other institutions in Japan and Korea, have made ...
The film explains the concept of chemical changes, where two or more materials combine to form entirely different substances.
Rare and powerful compounds, known as keystone molecules, can build a web of invisible interactions among species.
Heavy-ion therapy, one of the most advanced radiotherapy techniques, has proven to be more effective than conventional X-rays and proton radiation in cancer treatment. However, the mechanisms behind ...
Life's building blocks may not have been crafted in the lightning flashes of a tempest, a new study suggests, so much as in the ceaseless glow of rolling ocean mists.
Pyrolysis breaks down plastic and generates potentially useful oil − but it’s not a silver bullet for the planet.
“Our work demonstrates that high-performance, stable solar water splitting can be achieved using low-cost, scalable organic materials,” said Flurin Eisner, Lecturer in Green Energy at Queen Mary ...
The Miller-Urey hypothesis is based on a famous 1952 experiment in which researchers successfully formed these organic molecules by applying an electrical current to a mixture of water and Earth’s ...
We may be starting to get a grasp on what kick-started life on Earth – and it could help us search for it on other planets ...
“Our work demonstrates that high-performance, stable solar water splitting can be achieved using low-cost, scalable organic materials,” said Dr Flurin Eisner, Lecturer in Green Energy at Queen Mary ...
The pioneering nuclear chemist Glenn Seaborg discovered berkelium at Berkeley Lab in 1949. It was one of many achievements ...
Scientists at YOKOHAMA National University, in collaboration with RIKEN and other institutions in Japan and Korea, have made ...