The Stillwater Area Public Schools district has decided that two children’s books recently placed on elementary school shelves “will only be made available to students with parental permission,” the d ...
With some hard work, we can make it a wonderful one. Below, we’re sharing 60 of our favorite children’s books that celebrate diversity. Most of the books linked below can be purchased through ...
Books have a way of sparking empathy, drawing readers into the lives of characters who may be different from themselves -- or different from other characters in the story. Kids and teens walk in ...
By Lauren Christensen 21 Nonfiction Books to Read This Spring A posthumous collection of Joan Didion’s diaries, biographies of Yoko Ono and Mark Twain, a history of The Onion — and plenty more.
In her children’s stories, Clarice Lispector disguised philosophical questions in cheerful, kooky fables about exuberant animals with places to be. By Joumana Khatib In Linda Joan Smith’s ...
GiGi's Playhouse, the only network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers, is thrilled to announce the release of Harry Moon's ...
From academic circles to middle-class households, children’s literature has always been a subject of many discussions. The ...
Fun, bright celebration of Brown babies and their beauty.
Three children’s book authors held storytime for a crowd of over 1,000. The event comes as a response to the Waterloo ...
Lefty authors were also invited back for talks, while books on “unconscious bias” and workplace diversity were made a part of professional development. Email records obtained by the watchdog ...
The book is narrated by Kick, who is “as tall as six sweets piled on top of each other”. “As you can see, I’m a gnome,” he ...