Ellen Rydell Altermatt and Andrea K. Rorrer discuss how community partnerships can enhance early math learning ...
The vision ingrained in the National Education Policy has absolutely nothing to do with Hindi imposition; instead, it seeks ...
The program is a unique example of a school that moved quickly to keep children from missing out on their first year of ...
Illinois legislators are considering several bills to provide rules for Artificial Intelligence in Education, Healthcare and ...
By Elizabeth Shockman and Craig Helmstetter Nancy Bjorkman remembers her surprise one day in March 2020 when she pulled up to ...
An old-fashioned standard first graders had to meet in 1979 that proves today's kids are likely developmentally stunted is ...
The 74 reports that Black girls were far more likely than Black boys to have "a negative math identity" and to not see how ...
U.S. students’ scores on the test often called the “Nation’s Report Card” decreased on average in both math and reading to ...
Inspire 230 candidate Tim Danlow is one of nine people running for five open seats on the Dist 230 board in the April 1 ...
It was a typical Thursday last week for PENNCREST School District Superintendent Shawn Ford and Assistant Superintendent Patti Fiely. Amid meetings, phone calls and other plans, Ford’s schedule includ ...