中西书法艺术充满了东方神韵,迎来更加广泛的国际交流,碰撞出更加新潮的艺术火花,推动着全球艺术事业的创新繁荣和融合发展。The Chinese and Western calligraphy art is full of Oriental charm, ...
颐和园,这座坐落于北京西郊的皇家园林,是中国古典园林艺术的瑰宝,承载着丰富的历史与文化底蕴。步入颐和园,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个繁华的帝国时代。The Summer Palace, located in the western suburbs of ...
A young girl watches a puppet during a temple fair at the China Cultural Center in Valletta, Malta, on Feb. 8, 2025. The ...
A quaint garden bursting with vibrant tulips, and graceful Chinese girls adorned in magnificent hanfu… The Guangzhou Culture & Art Center evokes memories of home for this Dutch journalist! #ChinaTrave ...
Museums across China received approximately 72.65 million visits from January 29 to February 4 this year, the first seven ...
The ancient Chinese used to call their lantern riddles “word tigers,” or 文虎, as guessing a lantern riddle could be as ...
He went on to explain that Chinese ice sculptures often emphasize scale, with the large-scale designs at Harbin Ice-Snow World being prime examples, while international ice sculptures tend to be ...
Noting the movie's huge box office success and audience appeal, U.S. entertainment media outlet The Hollywood Reporter has ...
2025年2月13日,Art Central及其首席合作伙伴大华银行正式公布第十届展会的参展画廊及艺术家亮点。作为全城瞩目的香港艺术周的焦点节目,Art Central将于2025年3月26日至30日在香港地标中环海滨举行,贵宾预览日定于3月25日。2025年展会的画廊项目及备受瞩目的异体雕塑与装置艺术项目将由郑得恩策划。Art Central 2025为香港特别行政区政府文化体育及旅游局辖下“文 ...
为迎接蛇年的到来,The Couch国际学生中心也举办了欢乐的农历新年庆祝活动。成都艺术代表团不仅为墨尔本的国际学生带去了精彩演出,还代表成都市向出席活动的墨尔本市长尼古拉斯·里斯阁下送上了节日祝福与问候。
China's 24 Solar Terms, the ancient Chinese knowledge of dividing a year through the observation of the sun's annual motion, was inscribed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2016.
祖天丽在澳洲深耕农历新年为主题的艺术创作已有二十余年。在喜迎蛇年之际,她会给我们带来哪些惊喜?点击音频,收听播客。 多媒体艺术家祖天丽博士专注于农历新年主题创作,在澳洲深耕艺术领域已逾二十载。