"The success of this new animation movie, Ne Zha 2, shows first of all, the success of the Chinese movie industry, success in bringing up the content that comes from Chinese mythology as well as ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Chinese animated blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" has grossed an estimated nearly US$18 million after three weekends in North America, ...
2025 年 3 月 13 日 7 点 22 分讯,特斯拉正深陷一场严峻的危机之中,其背后是埃隆・马斯克一系列决策带来的连锁反应,公司股价遭遇腰斩,车辆甚至遭到破坏,这些都凸显出马斯克在政治与商业之间豪赌所付出的沉重代价。
全球零售巨头沃尔玛(Walmart)因应美国对华加征的关税,已要求中国供应商全面降价10%。此举让不少中国企业供应商大喊吃不消,但为保订单,恐仍被迫忍痛降价。然而,中国商务部3月11日传出已约谈沃尔玛,并对其压价行为表示关切,引发市场对沃尔玛可能遭到 ...
Walmart has asked some Chinese suppliers for major price cuts, Bloomberg News reported last week, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter. Certain suppliers, including makers of kitchenware and ...
A moviegoer takes a photo of a display board for Ne Zha 2, the highest-grossing film in Chinese history, at a movie theater in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. LONG WEI / FOR CHINA DAILYThis year's Spring ...
0 总阅读 44万 文章 天宸国际社区售楼处电话:400-882-8814【营销中心】如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。 Sales Office Phone: 400-882-8814 【 Marketing ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
槟城医院急诊室在下午6时28分,正式宣布依山沙哈鲁丁不治。 巫统霹雳州亚亦君令(Ayer Kuning)州议员依山沙哈鲁丁(Ishsam Shahruddin)周六在槟城市立体育场参与足球友谊赛时,突发心脏病猝逝,终年59岁。 依山沙哈鲁丁当时正参加槟州首长杯足球友谊赛(Pulau Pinang Chief Minister’s Football Cup Championship),代表霹雳老将俱 ...
Therefore, quite beyond the structural positive factors mentioned above, the US administration's announcements and decisions might have improved the prospects for the Chinese economy and its overall ...
澳大利亚总理近日指责保险行业趁机“占民众便宜”,而保险理事会(Insurance Council)首席执行官安德鲁·豪尔(Andrew Hall)在接受ABC采访时回应称,“阿尔弗雷德”影响广泛, 堪称“保险灾害” 。