I once received a course review from a student who complained that my class (on beauty and the arts) had quoted Kuyper, John Calvin, and Calvin Seerveld (a 20th-century Christian aesthetic ...
Shanahan encountered "a deeply faithful soul who helped guide me closer to Jesus" and "prayed with me after my loss." Shanahan met the woman, whom she identified as Diane Robinson, through her ...
Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday that celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem the Sunday before his resurrection. Mentioned in each of the four Gospels, the Bible story of Palm Sunday tells ...
Following Rick Warren's apparently ill-judged tweet suggesting that Jesus was a political centrist, a host of conservative pundits rounded on the Saddleback pastor, forcing him to eventually delete ...
Jesus demands our total allegiance as the center of our lives." Warren, 71, has long been a prominent figure in American, and arguably world Christianity. His book, The Purpose Driven Life, released ...
You write that Christian nationalists justify themselves by arguing that "Jesus may have great plans for us, but the reality is that this is a cruel place in which only the cruel survive." ...
A female pastor blasphemed Jesus as a “drag queen,” and a trans activist appeared to make threats of violence during a city council meeting in Massachusetts following federal changes that limit legal ...
While we have little solid evidence of what the real face of Jesus looked like, he probably did not resemble the paintings hanging in most Western churches and museums to this day. So what did the ...
"You're going to be given a power and an opportunity. You're here for a reason," Caviezel said. "Jesus said, 'If they persecute you, know they persecuted me first.'" In a world of fake news there’s ...