The composition of synthetic must grape was obtained from the OIV protocol (Directive 22/06/2012, Appendix I) with few modifications: 1.7 g/L YNB without amino acids and ammonium sulfate ...
Glycolic acid is a substance that chemically exfoliates a person’s skin by dissolving dead skin cells and oils. Glycolic acid may also help boost collagen production, and support skin moisture.
Total titratable acidity (TTA), expressed as a percentage of citric acid, was determined by titration with 0.01 N NaOH until reaching a pH of 8.2, following the method outlined in (19). Total soluble ...
Plants constantly renew during their life cycle and thus require to shed senescent and damaged organs. Floral abscission is controlled by the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase (LRR-RK) HAESA and the ...