Climate change is accelerating. For the last 15 years, due to the increasingly unhealthy state of our forests, forest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been approximately equal to all other reported ...
The order allows federal agencies to bypass environmental protection laws in an effort to increase production but doesn't ...
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that significantly expands logging on federal lands, removing environmental protections and fast-tracking timber sales. The order directs agencies ...
Some South Surrey residents are raising concerns about a recent clear-cut at ... of the trees is to accommodate subdivision of the property and future construction of three new homes.
Clear-cutting is not mentioned at all in the order. However, because the order significantly lowers the regulatory hurdles ...
It’s a viral Instagram post that makes a startling claim. President “Trump has ordered over 100 million hectares of forest” — the equivalent of 280 million acres — “to be chopped down,” reads the text ...