The design of a computer system. It sets the standard for all devices that connect to it and all the software that runs on it. It is based on the type of programs that will run (business ...
A computer architecture in which the program's instructions and the data reside in separate memory banks that are addressed independently. Named after the Mark I computer at Harvard University in ...
Examines the basic functional components of a computer system including the CPU, memory systems, and I/O systems. Each of these three areas will be developed in detail with a focus on the system ...
Hennessey and D. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach , Morgan Kaufmann, 3rd edition (2002) COURSE GOALS: To learn designing and implementing processor architecture and learn to ...
Structure of computers, past and present: first, second, third and fourth generation. Combinatorial and sequential circuits. Programmable logic arrays. Processor design: information formats, ...
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Design and evaluation of modern uniprocessor computing systems. Evaluation methodology/metrics and caveats, instruction set design, advanced pipelining, instruction level ...