The matter making up the world around us has long-since been organized into three neat categories: solids, liquids and gases.
But the climb toward a workable quantum device continues. Nearly all major tech companies are working to build a practica ...
Irish company Equal1 has announced the launch of what it describes as the world's first silicon-based quantum computer server ...
Q uantum computing company D-Wave has claimed to have achieved "quantum supremacy" by solving a "useful, real-world problem" ...
Creating Majorana fermions, and then figuring out how to use them inside a quantum computer, took 17 years ... undisclosed but small number of the new particles, and that it would be able to ...
ASUS now sells an Air Ionizer computer monitor. Available in three sizes, the monitor should remove odor and fine ...
In math and computer science, researchers have long understood that some questions are fundamentally unanswerable. Now ...
This article examines the impending generational shift in connection technology toward fiber optic systems and the new ...
Microsoft, Amazon and Google are investing billions of dollars in a practical quantum system – an elusive technology that ...
Many-body problems involve systems that consist of many microscopic particles interacting at the level of quantum mechanics.
And so here three reasons So Majorana 1 could be an epochal turning point: Greater stability: Topological qubit drastically ...
Researchers have criticised Microsoft's new Majorana 1 quantum computer, saying it has made claims about the way it works ...