For all its failings, I found the case for Catholicism, and the history of ... I had been learning through my exposure to Orthodoxy that conversion of heart is the primary thing.
Comedian Rob Schneider revealed that it was the 'evil' he witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic that awakened his spirit to receive Christianity and ultimately decide to convert to Catholicism.
Events that occurred this week in Christian history include Ulf Ekman converting to Catholicism, the martyrdom of Balthasar ...
Madhya Pradesh’s anti-conversion law had already since 2021 resulted in sentences of 10 years in jail for violators.
By Hannah Brockhaus Catholic News Agency In his message for Lent, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of living one’s life ...
St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday born from the conversion of Ireland to Catholicism, has become the epitome of Americans’ idea of ...
Studies say Christians are the largest religious group in the mountainous and sparsely populated Arunachal Pradesh situated ...
For 61 years, the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil has launched an initiative called the Campaign for Fraternity, ...