At Ottawa grocery stores, consumer anger toward U.S. President Donald Trump is sending shoppers in search of Canadian products.
CTV’s Katie Griffin is in the west Ottawa riding of Kanata-Carleton, where the Liberal incumbent is hoping to hang on to her seat after a narrow byelection win.
新世界市场的美食汇聚 在新世界的Vanier、Nepean及Kanata店,优惠同样不容小觑。这些门店在同样的时间段推出的不仅有新鲜的食材,还有各类精致的现做小吃,让人目不暇接。 Costco的会员日特惠 在Costco,从2月18日到2月23日的特惠产品包括各种进口零食和冻品 ...
Representatives of Krishnan Suthanthiran — owner of Kanata medical manufacturer Best Theratronics — scheduled negotiations with unions in January, even indicating to one that a deal was ...
Costco is known for selling trademark items like larger-than-life muffins and huge hot dogs. However, there are also famous for hard-launching some of the hottest food items on the market. Every ...
Re: Letter, My bitter defeat in the Battle of Costco, Feb. 11. Yes, do support Canadian products. But also remember that Costco employs many Canadians and provides decent pay and benefits.
She is an Associate Editorial Director for Southern Living. Costco always gives club members a new reason to come in store, from great deals on Kirkland Signature products to fresh items in the bakery ...