BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- China will expand the coverage of a pilot cash-pooling service that integrates domestic and foreign currency management for multinational companies, the country's ...
Currency Exchange International (CXI) 发布2025财年第一季度财报,显示出喜忧参半的财务表现。公司实现营收2000万美元,同比增长10%,但净收入下降4%至81.2万美元。尽管净收入有所下降,但调整后净收入增长29%,达到110万美元。财报发布后,CXI股价在盘后交易中保持稳定,未出现明显波动。
China's foreign exchange reserves reached nearly US$3.23 trillion at the end of February, up by 18.2 billion dollars, or 0.57 ...
瑞士央行的最终盈利略高于年初预期。具体来看,该行在外汇头寸 (foreign currency position)收益673亿瑞郎,黄金持仓亦带来212亿瑞郎的利润,但瑞郎头寸 (Swiss franc ...
BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) -- The central parity rate of the Chinese currency renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened 6 pips to 7.1739 against the U.S. dollar Tuesday, according to the China Foreign ...
虚拟货币,也常称数字货币,即非真实的货币,当下提到的虚拟币一般指比特币、以太坊、瑞波币、EOS等数字虚拟货币,也称加密货币,是由加密算法规则产生的数字货币。 全网最全的虚拟数字货币行情,超过1700种加密数字货币,与其他货币兑换的实时价格,行情,走势与交易量,包括各大数字货币交易所数据。 您可选择任意一种虚拟币及兑换的币种,按交易所查看筛选。 查看加密货币实时行情 ...