Tonight, largely clear to start, though patchy cloud cover will gradually move in later in the night. An isolated wintry shower cannot be ruled out, and some local mist and fog may form. Friday ...
Those unfamiliar with Hawke's Bay's humble meatball imagine Italian mince with red sauce. The actual description isn't that mouth-watering, but the crumbed golden sphere filled with whipped, fatty ...
The advice given when there’s a long and strong earthquake is to “get gone” because of the potential tsunami risk, but would you know where to “get gone” to? That’s why this week Hawke ...
Our website, aims to inspire and inform readers about the world around us, with trusted and original coverage of regional and international destinations, hotels, food, art, history, ...
But some in Hawke’s Bay are already preparing for a rough winter. Gary Hamilton-Irvine reports. Napier timber and pulp mill Pan Pac says rising power prices are making it challenging to compete ...