Conjugation is a form of horizontal gene transfer that allows the exchange of genetic material between two organisms or cells ...
Researchers shed new light on G-quadruplexes, a type of secondary DNA structure that has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.
Every day, billions of cells in your body divide, helping to replace old and injured cells with new ones. And each time this ...
Many biological molecules are chiral, meaning they exist in two forms that are mirror images of each other, like left and ...
Researchers have uncovered mechanisms by which mobile genetic elements integrate into the chromosomes of bacteria with linear genomes.
Univ Brest, Ifremer, Biologie et Ecologie des Ecosystèmes Marins Profonds (BEEP), Plouzané, France In my opinion, these discoveries challenge the “classical” models of DNA replication. Archaea are not ...
Problems in DNA replication can induce chromosome rearrangements ... Figure 4: Regulation of the Fanconi protein complex in response to DNA damage and a model for interstrand cross link repair.
Viruses rely on the host for RNA replication and protein synthesis and may cause dramatic changes in host cell morphology ... KY974316) was synthesized by GenScript (Nanjing, China) according to a ...
We show that the viral CA (capsid) protein remains associated with cytoplasmic RTC ... we made use of the fact that synthesis of the genomic HIV-1 cDNA occurs in the cytoplasm, that is spatially ...