Deep Space Nine has more moving parts than any other Star Trek ending, but every storyline is about the same thing.
“Heart of Stone” ranks high on this list because of an amazing scene in which Nog declairs his desire to join Starfleet. It’s an incredible moment, filled with not just outstanding acting from ...
I may not have seen all of Deep Space Nine before, but I certainly know Quark is a major character and that he wasn’t going to get blown out an airlock, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want ...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine did many things differently from its predecessors. For starters, it had a Black Captain of a ship in the front and center. As opposed to the exploratory nature of the other ...
Deep Cover plot Deep Cover follows three improv actors, iKat (Bryce Dallas Howard) and her students Marlon (Orlando Bloom) and Hugh (Nick Mohammed), who are hired by the police to help them catch ...
"It was especially cool to add new pieces to the puzzle." Astronomers have cracked the case of a mysterious repeating radio signal that has been a mystery since it was uncovered last year. The ...