A differentiable variant of the Gillespie algorithm enables gradient-based optimization for stochastic chemical kinetics, facilitating efficient parameter estimation and the design of biochemical ...
With the theoretical part extended, this paper would be of interest to cell biologists and biophysicists working on asymmetric partitioning during cell division. Asymmetric partition of fate ...
Multi-language suite for high-performance solvers of differential equations and scientific machine learning (SciML) components. Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), stochastic differential ...
This study proposes an adaptive differential evolution algorithm with the dynamic opposite learning strategy ... between the internal parameters of the battery and the external characteristics and ...
As shown in Figure 4, after obtaining the complete mechanical equation, the output of the relationship between the current and ... which will affect the service life of the crankshaft. By establishing ...
Structural equation modelling (SEM) framework was used to explore three mediation pathways (low ... At the age of 75, this probability is 14.0% for an NHB and 6.9% for an NHW. A similar relationship ...
Nonlinear waves; integrable systems; solitons; mathematical modeling in social and behavioral science. The study of wave phenomena by means of mathematical models often leads to a certain class of ...
and structured proper differential algebraic equations (DAEs) that allow for implicit index reduction are also supported. The solvers philosophy is to always work on the implicitly linearized (for ...
Such fluctuations are difficult to simulate accurately, even using powerful supercomputers, because doing so requires solving sets of coupled partial differential equations on very fine grids. An ...
Of course you've heard of Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Brooke Shields. They were the world's first supermodels, after all. But if you’re wondering how to become a model nowadays, a lot ...
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a flexible multivariate statistical approach that has become increasingly popular in psychological research. The course will include lectures and practical ...
The study was supported by Professor Chien-Ming Wu's team and their self-developed Vector Vorticity equation cloud-resolving ... valley breezes driven by differential terrain heating.