Blood donations are in critical need! Donate with the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks and you could be one of the lucky winners of their 56-Day Challenge! Sponsored content disclaimer ...
YOUR regular donation of blood could be doing more than saving others' lives - it could benefit you too. New research suggests it could strengthen your blood system and even lower your risk of ...
Since 2019, over 828 donors have contributed 194,600 ml of blood, helping countless patients in need. This special football-themed event offers exclusive gifts, including a nutritional care pack, a ...
Harrison, whose plasma contained a rare antibody, rolled up his sleeve 1,173 times from 1954 to 2018. The Australian is credited with helping 2.4 million babies and advancing scientific research.
Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute studied blood samples from 217 men who had donated over 100 times, and compared them to samples from 212 men who had given fewer than 10 times. Frequent ...
James Harrison, whose blood contained a rare antibody used to make lifesaving medication, is credited with saving the lives ...
A lady donated one of her kidneys to her partner, but he dumped her. The lady said she regretted the life-changing decision, ...
“He always said it does not hurt, and the life you save could be your own.” Jim Harrison, pictured at the Red Cross Blood Bank, giving his 537th blood donation in 1992. Harrison started donating when ...
According to Kleiman, it is expensive to keep and store this blood, but he hopes to see similar programs across the country. “Last year we identified 72 trauma patients who we could have gave blood to ...
NHS patients around the UK are now receiving a life-saving medicine ... the tiny cells that helped the blood clot. “I know firsthand how important these medicine help save lives.