Work and pension secretary Liz Kendall set to unveil plans to slash welfare bill by £5bn in benefits overhaul on Tuesday ...
Investigations had begun into former minister Jake Berry, ex-MEP Alex Phillips and former deputy Reform UK leader David Bull.
So public opinion, North and South, points strongly in the same direction on this question. Most people on both sides of the ...
He was condemned by opponents from across the political spectrum for the intervention ... to regroup and then to attack again.” DUP leader Gavin Robinson described an order for the Thales ...
Matthew O’Toole said it “contained the unmistakable stamp of DUP” and that overall the document remained abysmally short of clear, measurable targets and timelines for the people of Northern ...
The Religious Landscape Study (RLS) – conducted in 2007, 2014 and 2023-24 – surveys more than 35,000 Americans in all 50 states about their religious affiliations, beliefs and practices along with ...
This realignment continues to surface in surprising places. Media distrust manifests differently across the political spectrum – right-wing critics decry perceived bias while progressives worry about ...
Netflix's new political thriller series Zero Day has taken the second spot on the streamer's top 10 list this week with 19 million views worldwide. Keira Knightley transforms into butt-kicking ...
In the 20th century, anti-vaxxers in the US tended to be on the left of the political spectrum. “The stereotype of the time was that it was left wing, crunchy, hippy-dippy,” says David Gorski ...
The 52nd edition of Freedom in the World finds that 60 countries experienced declines in their political rights and civil liberties, while only 34 registered improvements. WASHINGTON—Political ...
The Office of Personnel Management on Monday called on all agencies to redesignate some of their Senior Executive Service employees as political appointees, rather than reserving them for career ...