It can be in different areas of the body, which means the symptoms of the disease can vary. For example, lymphoma in your abdomen can cause pain and swelling in your gut, while skin lymphoma can ...
Chronic kidney disease is a largely irreversible, long-term disease characterized by the gradual loss of kidney function over months or years. Stages 1, 2, and 3 are considered the early stages, ...
Hundreds of years before multi-cookers were invented, Dutch ovens were the original kitchen workhorses. Renowned for their versatility and durability, Dutch ovens are thick-walled cooking pots ...
This article describes the causes and symptoms of myopathy, including how myopathic diseases and disorders are diagnosed and treated. Myopathy is a general term referring to a disease of skeletal ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
Adjusting your diet may manage the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. During a flare, you may need to avoid certain foods, like those high in fiber, fatty meats, and dairy. Crohn’s disease is a type ...
There's a pervasive belief in the Netherlands that this unconventional meal helps lift the national mood. "I think I'm an addict, basically," says Marije Nicklin, who grew up on the Dutch island ...
Learn how to say thank you in Dutch in just a few minutes — and impress all the Dutchies around you! Learning Dutch can seem intimidating, but these few phrases will get you further than you think, ...