Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It's the largest object in the asteroid belt and the closest dwarf planet to Earth.
TRAPPIST-1 is a red dwarf star about 40.7 light-years away from Earth. It is of particular interest because it has seven ...
For over 40 years, astronomers have been puzzled by strange X-ray signals from the Helix Nebula’s white dwarf. Now, they may ...
Astronomers have identified a quartet of small rocky planets orbiting Barnard's star - one of our closest stellar neighbors - ...
The seven planets in the system closely orbit their star ... causing a dip in the light of the dwarf star. Because the orbits of each planet influence the others, such observations also allowed ...
Considered a solitary star for its lack of stellar companions, Barnard's Star is notoriously lonely—signs of any exoplanets ...
The Kuiper Belt is a band on the outer edge of the Solar System made up of space’s odds and ends: comets, dwarf planets, and ...
Barnard’s Star, a red dwarf too faint to see without a telescope, hosts four newly discovered planets detected by instruments on large telescopes. The planets' gravitational pull causes the star to ...