U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to cement his legacy in the Middle East were well underway even before he reclaimed the White House. “There’s just no way that President Trump isn’t going to be ...
Nature-based health and therapy (NBHT) is a term incorporating a broad suite of practices that focus on engagement with the natural world and nature-rich spaces for potential physical and mental ...
Ecologists have identified significant ecological risks associated with the release of hybrid groupers into Hong Kong's coastal waters, a practice often linked to religious 'mercy release' rituals.
When headlines include a cause-effect conclusion based on correlational evidence, that’s the false cause fallacy, and it can mislead the public with concerning consequences. I’ve previously ...
Maya Mehrara is a News Reporter at Newsweek based in London, U.K.. Her focus is reporting on international news. She has covered Ukraine, Russia, immigration issues, and the revolution in Iran.
How animals adapt to toxic ecological niches is poorly understood. This study shows that Drosophila busckii has evolved a tolerance to DMDS, a potent insecticide, likely due to an insensitivity in ...
The failure to understand independence lies at the heart of two famous phenomena: the gambler's fallacy and the "hot hand" in sports. When we do understand independence, we can make better ...
In practice, this means that when developers seek planning permission to build new housing, they have to conduct ecological surveys of their proposed site. The local planning authority reads these ...